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A campaign about goats

for a brand that has an owl logo.

Buho, the beer brand had a simple ask - to appeal to the millennials.


What better way than to reposition these young ones (who've lived through three recessions, pollution, dwindling resources and a frikkin pandemic) from being called lazy and entitled, to being the greatest generation of all time.

The GGOATS. To give them a drink that's worth it.


And yes we also fought the extreme temptation of using the owl motif.

Life is tough. Have a Buho.


(Click images to expand)

Buho crushed can unit

The Mood video.

The teaser posts below.  (Hit arrows to view more / Click to expand)

Post launch creatives.  (Hit arrows to view more / Click to expand)

A bit more of why we are the greatest.  (Click arrow keys to view / Click to expand)

We made a custom crate.

The Buho crate

And some cool merch made of trash.

Note: This is from a concept presentation, pending approval. Few images are copyright to respective owners.

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